Our Road Conditions

April Tilton Iser

To me, it seems like another department that could use an efficiency update.

Good roads are crucial to our growth and our development. Offering good roads will attract future businesses and families, and will help with the retention of the businesses and families we already have.

It would also allow for better access of emergency vehicles in the event of an emergency. Not to mention the amount of money that would be saved on maintenance cost not only for the county’s equipment and vehicles, but for the citizens’ as well.

We should find out where the last 16 years worth of taxes have gone and we should assemble a citizens’ advisory committee. The citizens’ advisory committee would discuss and set an order of priority, and discuss the possibility of hiring a consultant to advise in the correct direction to go.

We need to address the ditches and culverts to alleviate and prevent flooding because standing water on the roads and water seeping under the roads add to the deterioration they are already facing.

Last, we need to be sure we are building the roads properly and that they are being built to last.

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April Iser

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