Most Important Issues

 Raising our quality of life and our health rankings across Putnam County. states: “Putnam (PN) is ranked among the least healthy counties in Florida (lowest 0%-25%)” Putnam County is ranked #66 out of Florida’s 67 counties. We have fluctuated between the 64th, 65th, and the 66th spot for the past 11 years. Yet, we…

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Rodman Reservoir

I believe we should have as little of an impact as possible on our natural environment. There are many, many, environmental consequences of dams including the direct impact to the biological, chemical, and physical properties of our rivers and surrounding environments. Dams: Have led to the extinction of many fish and other aquatic species. Have…

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Roadside Mowing, Ditches & Culverts

There are many issues with trying to maintain some of these programs as a county such as: It takes more time and money for the government to do anything. Our equipment is constantly malfunctioning prematurely, and we must bear the cost of fixing and maintaining it. Some of our equipment is simply inadequate for the…

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Barge Port

We need to provide the necessary port infrastructure to support cargo and a cruise. And, we need to do this in an orderly manner that meets the needs of our area. We can maximize the tourism industry with cruise and ferry operations, while at the same time managing the volume of passengers to sustain the…

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Putnam County’s Greatest Asset

I know I’m supposed to say the people, but I don’t entirely agree with that. People can be detrimental, and cause chaos, and people come and go with the next person doing whatever they please. I think our greatest resource is the natural resources we have to offer, our rivers, our lakes, and our trails.…

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Our Landfill

All of the solutions I’ve heard so far go right back to relying on the outside to save us, and I don’t want to be known as the dumping grounds for other counties. We should assemble a citizens’ advisory committee to perform rate studies and study the numbers from our past to use as a…

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Our Road Conditions

To me, it seems like another department that could use an efficiency update. Good roads are crucial to our growth and our development. Offering good roads will attract future businesses and families, and will help with the retention of the businesses and families we already have. It would also allow for better access of emergency…

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Bringing New Business to Putnam County

All of the attention has been put toward finding someone from the outside to save us. We need to start focusing on the existing population we have, we need to encourage more businesses through the human capital we already have to offer, we need to streamline the process of where to go and where to…

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My Vision for Putnam County

My hope for Putnam County is to bring the focus back to the existing community members instead of potential, future residents. I want to work toward raising our quality of life and toward creating a better economic and educational atmosphere. If we want to attract future businesses and families, we need to show them that…

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Public Safety & Volunteers

Public safety is one of the most important issues a county can face. Citizens want to live, work, & play in our communities safely! We need to continuously be trying to recruit more volunteers and we need to work harder at retaining the volunteers we already have. More volunteers will lead to faster response times…

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