Flooding in Putnam County

April Tilton Iser

We’re already in the hurricane season which means the flooding will only get worse as the intensity and frequency of our storm events increase. These rain storms are already overwhelming our neglected systems. We need to find ways to manage the flooding, the damages, and the disruptions to our daily lives, and we need to protect our citizens from current and future problems.

We need to:

  • Update and keep current our flood-plains maps.
  • Find ways to redirect the overflow that becomes flooded areas.
  • Direct development away from flood-prone areas, as well as not accept filling in flood-plains that interfere with overflow.
  • Anticipate and mitigate the flooding with permeable materials
  • Encourage pier-and-beam construction around flood-plains
  • And, last but most importantly, we have to address our ditches and our culverts so the water can actually run its course instead of collecting everywhere it isn’t supposed to.

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April Iser

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